Congratulations, PHS Class of 2024!
Class of 2024 Graduation live stream can be found here:
Be sure to follow us on Facebook at to see all of the great things happening at PPS!
Vote for Austin for the MSUFCU LSJ Athlete of the Week!
Welcome Back-We are excited to kick off the 2023-2024 school year at PPS! Although we provide everything your child needs to be successful during his/her time at school, we understand some parents prefer to send their children with supplies. Please see the following links for recommended supplies by grade level- Elementary School: Middle School:
Please see this update on parking at the main campus lot:
Welcome to summer! Click the link for important summer information from PPS:
2023 Graduation Live Stream
Kindergarten Registration
Bring your upcoming kindergartener in to tour the building and meet the staff.
Thursday, April 13th, 2023
6:00 - 7:00pm
Perry Elementary School
4-1 N Watkins St.
For more information on Kindergarten Registration, visit:
PPS is thrilled to begin this new partnership with the CMAC-Go Ramblers!
All after school activities and events are canceled for tonight.
Join us one week from tonight for the First Annual Chili Cook-off, brought to you by the Sports Boosters-click the link for additional information:
Reminder: there is no school for students Friday or Monday. Enjoy the extended weekend!
Come out and cheer on the Ramblers! See the link below for information on this week's athletic events:
Join us Monday, January 9, 2023 from 6-7 pm at Perry Middle School to learn about understanding adolescents from the engaging Jack Berckemeyer! We hope to see you there-see the link for more information and to reserve your spot:
We hope you enjoy the latest edition of Ramblers Report-Happy Holidays!
This month's regular board meeting will be held at the Michigan Laborers Training and Apprenticeship Institute. We are thankful the MLTAI is willing to host this regular meeting, and we appreciate their ongoing partnership with Perry Public Schools! The meeting start time is 6 pm, and will begin with a brief tour of MLTAI. The address is 11155 Beardslee Rd, Perry. To learn more about MLTAI, please visit: Information about the PPS Board of Education, including meeting dates, agendas and minutes, can be found at We encourage you to join us!
Save the date! Join us next week to enjoy the sounds of the holiday, brought to you by our fabulous instrumental and vocal music programs!
Stay connected to Perry Public Schools-Visit GO RAMBLERS!
We invite you to learn about our operating millage proposal on the ballot November 8, 2022: In addition, please refer to these FAQs that you may find helpful: